Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Got my Ravelry Invitation!!

Wahooo! I've been on the signup list for 2 months, and I finally got my invitation on New Year's Day! I'm so excited by all of the cool stuff on the site. I did have to create a flikr account to post project pics, but I got to see what a cool service that is as well. I got my Christmas gifts finished and all were received with enthusiasm. :) One always worries, but my family that I knit for appreciates the effort and time that goes into hand-made gifts. All of the chicks got flower washcloths and olive oil and honey soap. I love cotton knitted washcloths. They feel SO good! Like a little mini-massage. :D

I am reassigning a project. I'd knitted a square in seed stitch in an awesome hand-painted yarn in purple and light blue wool (got it at Yarntopia in Katy) for a "carpet bag" styled project bag. However, I have an additional hank of it and I really need a laptop case, so... I am adding on to it. When it gets big enough, I'll felt it to size for my larger-than-usual laptop. It is just a tiny bit too large for the zippered cases that came with my backpack and girly organizer bag that both accommodate a laptop. I'll post pics when I finish.

If you're on Ravelry, check me out! My screen name is "physicschick" because knittingnerd was already used. :p If you're not on Ravelry, sign up for the waiting list! It's awesome and I've only been a member for 3 days! LOL

Since the weather has turned cooler, I have been using my favorite scarf. I thought I'd post pics. I actually made it in 2006, but it is still my favorite. The patten is called "Column of Leaves" and it's online. I used Noro Kureyon (2 skeins) so it is nice and soft and warm! Maybe you'll be inspired to knit your own! :D

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