Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Socklet

Ok, now my feet just feel cute in these! They are definitely not your run-of-the-mill sock, but I like 'em! The sock yarn is a hand painted wool/spandex blend that is SO comfy!

Rambling again

I really am rambling... in my knitting that is. I have several things started, but they are for other people. I wanted to do something for myself. Selfish? Ok. I guess so, none the less...

I started yesterday on some sockless footlets to wear under my mules or flip flops. I should be finished soon, and I'll post a pic. I find it nearly impossible to find sock yarn without travelling across the city to a not so "local" yarn shop. I've been really happy with the yarn and needles that I ordered from so I think I may order some from them. Maybe I'll knit socks for Christmas gifts. I really love knitting socks, and I've collected a lot of cool patterns.

I went to Half Price Books today and bought 3 knitting books: Hand Knits for the Home, Country Knits, and New Baby Knits. I'm fascinated with fairisle here lately. I think I'll do a pillow to reflect the changes that I've made downstairs (painting, new curtains, etc) Hmmm... can you see what I mean? Rambling...

think I'll get back to my socklets!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Stretching my artistic brain

So summer is flying by in its glorious freedom. My first weeks weren't as carefree as I'd have liked because Sam was really sick. Poor thing ran fever around 105 for 3 days. The fever finally went away after a week and 2 visits to the pediatrician plus meds. Now he's back to his usual spunky self (albeit a bit more ornery than usual). He's excited to start swimming lessons next month, and we've gotten into the deep section of the splashpad pool for the first time. He even went down the water slides twice!

Well my students laugh at my drawings and I have always wanted to learn to draw properly, so I have taken up lessons through . I am starting from the beginning and am surprised at how technical drawing can be. This is a good surprise because I am trained in drafting and CAD so looking at objects in a like way makes the artistic ideas less scary to me. I guess I've always been a bit leary of drawing because it seemed to require too much of the right brain. I prefer fiber arts because if it isn't right, ribbit! There are patterns to follow and stitches to learn, but now I endeavor to draw. So cross your fingers for me and prepare to see me with a sketch pad in hand.

I am knitting as well. I'm still working on an aggie baby blanket of my own design. Its a little number that I'm knitting on the diagonal. One half will be maroon and the other white. I hope to have it done in time for football season. LOL Why do I keep putting so many irons in the fire? I don't know. Nature of the beast. I've always been this way.