Monday, January 14, 2008

A Perfectly Wonderful Geeky project!

Now some might find it a strange combination that a physics nerd loves to knit, but then I was always a Renaissance soul. When I came across the Chromosome Cap pattern on Ravelry, I thought... "I have got to make that for someone!" Who better than my friend Anne? She loves biology and has a little guy to torture... uh who could wear this perfectly cute cap. LOL Now that it is complete, I am casting on one for mom, too!

The pattern was quick and easy. It was my first "cable" project. That in itself is kind of weird. Many knitters that I've talked to say that they are more scared of socks than cables. I jumped into doing socks a while ago, but just never did anything cabled. It's fun, and it is not at all too challenging to do. I am looking forward to the adult version of the chromo cap.

Knitting is my yoga. When I'm too tired to knit, I blog about knitting. LOL Do you see a pattern here? Tonight is definitely a "too tired" night, so I get to post pics of my latest conquest and go to bed. Good night and happy knitting to all!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Personal Mission Statement

I visited the Mission Statement Builder on the FranklinCovey site today. I have been feeling a bit like I've been drifting aimlessly here lately and I wanted to get some focus. I highly recommend the "Jumpstart" version of the builder. You get 10 seconds to answer a series of questions. This ensures that it is your first response from the heart. Then you get to expand on these ideas. I am blogging my results so that I can hold myself accountable and redirect myself when I wander.

Knitting Nerd's Personal Mission Statement

I will support the education of others and continue to enrich my education.
I will support and nurture my child's intellectual, creative, physical, and emotional needs.
I will find ways to express my love and appreciation for the ways that my family and friends have supported me.
I will express my love for others frequently in verbal and non-verbal ways.
I will seek out loving relationships that are healthy and fulfilling.
I will seek out God in all aspects of my life and strive to build a closer relationship with Him.
I will support the freedom of myself and others by voting, being politically involved, and being active in issues such as education and climate.
I will encourage compassion by being compassionate in my actions toward others.
I will encourage intellectualism in home, school, and society by praising the intellectual risks that people take.
I will live my life as if no one is watching. I will pursue my passions without worrying about what other people might think.
I will continue to learn and enrich others lives as well.
I will be kind to others even if they are not kind to me. I will perform random acts of kindness for strangers.
I will clean up after myself in my home, work, and environmental existence by recycling more and conserving resources.
I will continue to pursue what is important to me even when facing obstacles.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Tag!! You're it!

So I learned about Knitta a couple of years ago when "Knittas" tagging around Montrose made the news. I thought, "What a cool idea!" I'd just started knitting, so I didn't have much of a yarn stash at that time. Years wiser and stash developed, here I am. I am known for my love of knitting at school by students and teachers alike, so I've decided to strike! LOL Here lies my first knit "tagging" piece.

I have not decided who the lucky recipient will be, but I will definitely be secretive about it. I am usually there way after most people leave. (I'm not a morning person... I work better late!) I'll follow up with a post of the pic when I tag. I think this will be a "sweater" for the reflector/lens arm of an overhead projector. (*giggling like a school girl*)
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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Lara's Herringbone Lace Sock Pattern

I love knitting socks! They are a small, portable project that you can take anywhere. Dpns are not nearly as scary as they look! What I love about socks is that they are the perfect place to try something new (stitch or technique) and you get (almost) instant gratification. Oh, and don't forget the warm cozy sock, too!)

Here is the first pattern that I've ever really made up myself. I tried to follow good form according to other patterns that I've used, but please let me know if you see a goof that I missed. I beg your tolerance and understanding. I knit with an audience of one impatient 5 year old boy and two spastic dogs. Oh and a hungry husband who keeps asking, "What's for dinner?" LOL

p.s. Feel free to use this pattern and share it with fellow knitting fiends. Just don't do anything to make money from it without asking me first. Thanks!!

Size 3 dpn (set of 4)

Knitpicks sock yarn (2 skeins)


cast on 64 (16-32-16)

K2p2 rib for 1.5 inches


k2p2 rib on needles 1 and 3;

3 repeats of Herringbone lace pattern on needle 2

Lace pattern: repeats are in parenthesis

1. K

2. (SSK, K2, yo, K2) k2

3. K

4. (SSK, K2, yo, K2) k2

5. K

6. (SSK, K2, yo, K2) k2

7. k

8. k1 (K2, yo, K2, K2tog) k1

9. k

10. k1 (K2, yo, K2, K2tog) k1

11. k

12. k1 (K2, yo, K2, K2tog) k1

Heel flap:

Work 32 heel sts back and forth in rows as follows:

Row 1: *Sl 1 pwise with yarn in back, k1; rep from *.

Row 2: Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front, purl to end.

Rep Rows 1 and 2 until a total of 28 rows have been worked —14 chain sts (slipped sts) along each edge.

Turn heel:

Work short rows as follows:

Row 1: Sl1, k19, ssk, k1, turn.

Row 2: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1, turn.

Row 3: Sl 1 pwise, knit to 1 st before gap, ssk, k1, turn.

Row 4: Sl 1 pwise, purl to 1 st before gap, p2tog, p1, turn.

Rep Rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts have been worked, ending last repeat of Row 3 with the ssk, and last repeat of Row 4 with the p2tog.

Heel Gussets:

Rnd 1: With needle 1, knit across heel sts, then with same needle, pick up and knit 14 sts along left edge of heel flap; with needle 2, work 32 instep sts in herringbone lace pattern as established; with needle 3, pick up and knit 14 sts along right edge of heel flap, then knit first half of heel sts again. Rnd begins at center of heel.

Rnd 2: On needle 1, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on needle 2, work instep sts as established; on needle 3, k1, ssk, knit to end—2 sts decreased.

Rnd 3: Knit all sts on needle 1; work sts as established on needle 2; knit all sts on needle 3.

Rep Rnds 2 and 3 until 56 sts rem—12 sts each on needles 1 and 3, 32 sts on needle 2.


Cont even as established (knit all sts on needles 1 and 3; cont in pattern on needle 2) until piece measures about 21⁄2" (6.5 cm) less than desired total length. (*I ended up doing 4 complete repeats of the lace pattern for the top of the foot. I wear a size 8.5 US shoe and it is perfect.)


1st Decrease Round: *K6, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 4 rounds even.

2nd Decrease Round: *K5, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 4 rounds even.

3rd Decrease Round: *K4, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 4 rounds even.

4th Decrease Round: *K3, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 3 rounds even.

5th Decrease Round: *K2, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 2 rounds even.

6th Decrease Round: *K1, k2tog: repeat from *

Knit 1 round even.

7th Decrease Round: *k2tog: repeat from *

Break yarn (8” tail). Thread tail through remaining stitches, pull snug, and fasten off. Weave in all ends. Block

I Got my Ravelry Invitation!!

Wahooo! I've been on the signup list for 2 months, and I finally got my invitation on New Year's Day! I'm so excited by all of the cool stuff on the site. I did have to create a flikr account to post project pics, but I got to see what a cool service that is as well. I got my Christmas gifts finished and all were received with enthusiasm. :) One always worries, but my family that I knit for appreciates the effort and time that goes into hand-made gifts. All of the chicks got flower washcloths and olive oil and honey soap. I love cotton knitted washcloths. They feel SO good! Like a little mini-massage. :D

I am reassigning a project. I'd knitted a square in seed stitch in an awesome hand-painted yarn in purple and light blue wool (got it at Yarntopia in Katy) for a "carpet bag" styled project bag. However, I have an additional hank of it and I really need a laptop case, so... I am adding on to it. When it gets big enough, I'll felt it to size for my larger-than-usual laptop. It is just a tiny bit too large for the zippered cases that came with my backpack and girly organizer bag that both accommodate a laptop. I'll post pics when I finish.

If you're on Ravelry, check me out! My screen name is "physicschick" because knittingnerd was already used. :p If you're not on Ravelry, sign up for the waiting list! It's awesome and I've only been a member for 3 days! LOL

Since the weather has turned cooler, I have been using my favorite scarf. I thought I'd post pics. I actually made it in 2006, but it is still my favorite. The patten is called "Column of Leaves" and it's online. I used Noro Kureyon (2 skeins) so it is nice and soft and warm! Maybe you'll be inspired to knit your own! :D