Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fair troubles with Fair Isle socks

Well I am a bit perplexed. I guess I'll go to all of the knowledge of my yahoo group to seek advise as to what to do with the sock. While it looks fine (I'm pleased at least!), I tried it on to judge foot length and I could barely get the leg part over my heel. The threads carried during the fair isle patterns are not tight, but they're not loose either. However, they do not stretch like the normal stockinette stitch portions of the sock. This is not a fatal flaw in this sock because it is a gift for someone with smaller legs/ankles than I do, but I do need to address it for the future.

This problem aside, I am rather happy with the overall look of the sock. I varied the colors slightly from the pattern, but I am happy with the switch. I've enjoyed knitting by the pool while Sam is taking swim lessons. I can cheer him on and knit like a yarn ho! LOL

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